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About Us

Al-Mustafa University is an international academic, Islamic and Howzawi institute and an institute carrying the title of the blessing last prophet, Mohammad (s.a), has set the followings as its chief activities, i.e. fulfilling the needs of the thirsty for knowledge and disseminating Islamic teachings.


The objectives of the university are:
1. Instructing jurists, researchers, teachers, disseminators and pious and committed Muslim thinkers
2. Clarifying and expanding the Quranic and Islamic viewpoints and disseminating Islamic theories, divine teachings and humanities knowledge

The major policies for achieving the objectives include:

· Comprehensive training based on moral and Howzawi values
· Relying on long-term Howzawi and Islamic centres’ traditions
· Attempting to advance knowledge, religious viewpoints and translation of Islamic resources
· Relying on logic and intellect and dialogue with the other religions and creeds
· Having research-based and training approach
· Safeguarding human dignity in national and international interactions
· Respecting Muslim countries in accordance with cooperative and unity-promoting policy